Nurse talking to a teenager and her mother

Find a Provider

Find Allina Health doctors, hospitals and health care professionals that accept your health plan.

Find a Provider

Find a Fertility Provider

Important Note: Only providers shown as "Maximum Savings" are in-network and covered by the plan. Non-emergency care with a provider not listed on this site is not covered.

We're in it for you

A girl sitting with her grandfather

Employee Assistance Program

When you need help navigating difficult life situations or emotions, counseling can provide support. Access up to six sessions per issue at no cost to you in a safe environment – choose phone, face-to-face or online.

Call Optum at 1-800-531-5145 or visit Live and Work Well (access code: allina) for more information.

Allina Health well-being program

Well-being is one of the most important aspects of our lives. How you care for yourself is a vital part of your total well-being. That's why Allina Health offers programs to support your goals across all areas of well-being for you and your loved ones – available 24/7 on the well-being site at

Pharmacist talking with a patient about their medication


Just like your medical plan covers trips to your doctor, your Express Scripts prescription plan covers the medication your doctor prescribes.

Visit Express Scripts

Family sitting outside on a bench

Plan Benefits

The Allina Elevate plan offers innovative and exciting features, which can improve your care and make it more affordable.

When you receive care in the Allina Elevate network, the plan covers most of your medical costs. You pay for your share of the cost through copays and some coinsurance.

2024 Summary Plan Description [PDF]

2024 Summary of benefits and coverage [PDF]

2023 Summary of benefits and coverage [PDF]

Allina Elevate plan booklet [PDF]

Man sitting wearing headphones

Savings Accounts

Health Savings Account
A tax-advantaged account that you can use for qualified medical expenses today or save for the future.

Flexible Spending Account
An account that allows you to use pre-tax dollars to pay for qualified health care expenses.

Health Reimbursement Account
A tax-advantaged account funded by your employer to cover your health care costs.

Visit Optum Financial to learn more

Woman sitting at a desk filling out a form


Should you need to access one of the forms below, please download, print and complete that form. Submit by following the instructions provided at the bottom of the form.

Member Complaint and Appeal Form [PDF]

Woman using a smartphone

Contact Us

The Allina Health | Aetna Concierge Team is here to help you better understand your health benefits, utilize online tools such as the Member page, and help you get the most out of resources available to you.

To connect with your concierge/provider services team, simply call 1‑800‑343‑9264

  • Option 1: Medical Self-Service
  • Option 2: Pharmacy Benefits
  • Option 3: Behavioral Health
  • Option 4: Nurseline
  • Option 5: Employee Assistance Program
  • Option 6: Concierge/Member Services